Clinical Infection and Immunity, ISSN 2371-4972 print, 2371-4980 online, Open Access
Article copyright, the authors; Journal compilation copyright, Clin Infect Immun and Elmer Press Inc
Journal website

Original Article

Volume 10, Number 1, March 2025, pages 18-23

Platelet Counts Variation and Platelet Indices According to the Severity and Outcome of COVID-19


Table 1. Distribution of Sociodemographic, Clinical and Biological Characteristics of Patients
VariablesFrequency, nPercentage, %
  Sex ratio = 1.39
Age group
  < 30 years288.40
  30 - 60 years13540.70
  > 60 years16950.90
  Median age: 60 years
Clinical forms
Platelet count
  < 150 × 109/L298.74
  150 - 450 × 109/L27582.83
  > 450 × 109/L288.43


Table 2. Difference in Age, Gender, Clinical Forms, and Platelet Count and Indices Between Severe and Non-Severe COVID-19 Patients
VariablesClinical formsP-value
Severe, n (%)Non-severe, n (%)Total, N (%)
COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; MPV: mean platelet volume; PCT: plateletcrit; PDW: platelet distribution width.
Age groups0.001
  < 60 years24 (23.80)139 (60.20)163 (49.10)
  > 60 years77 (76.20)92 (39.80)169 (50.90)
  Total101 (30.40)231 (69.60)332 (100.00)
  Female24 (23.80)115 (49.80)139 (41.90)
  Male77 (76.20)116 (50.20)193 (58.10)
  Total101 (30.40)231 (69.60)332 (100.00)
Platelet count0.329
  < 150 × 109/L12 (11.90)17 (7.40)29 (8.80)
  150 - 450 × 109/L77 (76.20)198 (85.70)275 (82.80)
  > 450 × 109/L12 (11.90)16 (6.90)28 (8.40)
  Total101 (30.40)231 (69.60)332 (100.00)
Platelet’s indices


Table 3. Difference in Age, Gender, Clinical Forms, and Platelet Count and Indices Between Survivors and Non-Survivors of Patients With COVID-19
VariablesDisease evolutionP-value
Non-survivors, n (%)Survivors, n (%)Total, N (%)
COVID-19: coronavirus disease 2019; MPV: mean platelet volume; PCT: plateletcrit; PDW: platelet distribution width.
Age group0.001
  < 60 years7 (17.90)156 (53.40)163 (49.10)
  > 60 years32 (82.10)137 (46.60)169 (50.90)
  Total39 (11.70)293 (88.30)332 (100.00)
  Female8 (20.50)131 (44.50)139 (41.90)
  Male31 (79.50)162 (55.50)193 (58.10)
  Total39 (11.70)293 (88.30)332 (100.00)
Platelet count0.13
  < 150 × 109/L6 (15.40)23 (7.90)29 (8.80)
  150 - 450 × 109/L32 (82.00)243 (82.90)275 (82.80)
  > 450 × 109/L01 (2.60)27 (9.20)28 (8.40)
  Total39 (11.70)293 (88.30)332 (100.00)
Platlet’s indices